Website Sankarshan



Sankarshan program enables entrepreneurs and innovators to build their start-ups by firming their idea, identifying technological need, defining USP and pooling in the resources and efforts to start with zeal and passion. We help by providing technical sessions, trainings, brainstorming sessions, hackathons, ideathons, asking the relevant questions, testing your passion and zeal, checklist of things, help of identifying the resource and most importantly help you prepare for the upcoming roller-coaster ride to the success. “There is no alternative for hard work”


This program is designed for the entrepreneurs who have done their basics and are now ready to take up the roller-coaster ride. Startups having an idea/ ideas and now ready to define the business in details; can join incubation program and get support by way of Training, Workshops & Seminars in stepping the stairs of success right from ideation phase, to business planning, to strategy and the implementation plan. We do it Sector agnostic cohort wise and also Specialized Cohort, help in formalising Idea, Product, Team, Market, Media and fund.


Vistaran programs enable to extend the reach of talent, team, mentor and product pooling in the market. And can be a very powerful mean to communicate the innovativeness and openness. Through our acceleration program we will provide you with our full set of acceleration services for sound business and financial metrics, we will guide you in developing your own acceleration playbook, so to optimize performance and efficiency per iteration of the acceleration program. and most importantly investment ready. Problem specific solutions are provided to Start-ups as and when needed


Ankuran programme aims at developing entrepreneurs in technologies having high return of wealth & employment under this programme a technology giving high returns in term of wealth or employment is chosen ecosystem is developed for promotion of technology. All the concerned stakeholders are brought at one platform. Then entrepreneurs are trained in the new technology thereafter facilitation is done in providing backward & forward linkages (Project Report, Raw Material supply, civil construction,loan/finance, Market linkage etc). Some examples of Ankuran programme are Layer Farming,Biofloc,Rice fortification, Commercial Goat Farms, Fortified Bakery, Laser cutting, Laser engraving, etc.